вторник, 25 ноября 2008 г.

Creating simple project in Project Kaiser

The main advantage of Project Kaiser software is the possibility to create unlimited project hierarchy. User decides what to include in his project: documentation, issues, requirements etc. Creating project structure is very easy: it's just like you create files using Windows Explorer. As a result - well-organized project structure looking like files and folders, just in few mouse clicks.
This is a short instruction how to make simple project:

1. Right click on navigation tree and choose "New/Project":

2. After project is created, you may start creating its structure: milestones, requirements etc:
3. Now you can add team members: right click on project file, and choose "Team Members / Add" in popup menu. Then choose users you want to include to team members, specify group (users will act according to this group's permissions inside the project), and secret level (optional):

Your project is ready!

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